JAMMU, Mar 3: In the first two months of this year, the state vigilance commission (SVC) has decided 220 complaints of corruption on merit. The commission was constituted with the objective of enquiring complaints of corruption, besides facilitating transparency and integrity in the functioning of state administration. Since its inception, it has received 3,530 complaints, including 290 cases received from SAC. Out of these complaints, 3,153 were disposed of and 377 (including 12 cases of SAC) were at various stages of disposal, according to SVC sources. In January and February this year, SVC received 177 complaints, including four cases received from SAC and decided 220 complaints on merits which included disposal of some earlier complaints. Out of the 220 disposed of complaints, 134 were dismissed in limine, 51 were dismissed after inquiry and 24 were sent for administrative action to different departments against the officials involved. While preliminary inquiry was ordered in three cases, FIR registration was ordered in four cases and four cases were sent to police for action, sources said. |