After portfolio reshuffle, H&ME obliges former minister | Nomination scandal in AMT School | | Avinash Azad
Early Times Report
Jammu, Apr 8: More skeletons are tumbling out from cupboard of Health and Medical Education department prior to beginning of new session, the department nominated 13 candidates for undergoing Paramedical courses at AMT School, vide an order of the ministry of H&ME order issued on April 4, 2016, the day new government was formed in state. Sources informed Early Times that the orders were issued by the department on dictate of former minister to accommodate his blue eyed candidates in Ancillary Medical Training School (AMT) Jammu. It is also alleged 'shady deals' were behind nomination of these candidates. "The nominations were made before the beginning of session 2015-16. The nomination usually, happens after commencement of the session", sources said, adding that due to reshuffle in portfolio, which took place on April 4, 2016, same day the order was issued by the commissioner secretary, Health and Medical Education department, in an obvious move to oblige outgoing Minister. "Eight candidates, Rita Devi, Ruchi Sharma, Khadija Shabnum, Heena Qureshi, Pooja Sharma, Rukshanda Imtiyaz, Shazia Mushtaq and Mehnoor Imtiyaz were nominated by the department in GNM stream", copy of government order number 248-HME of 2016 read. The document further revealed that five more candidates were nominated in medical assistant and Sanitary Inspector stream. "Sahil Padha, Karlyan Chand, Kulbhushan and Vikram Singh were nominated for Medical Assistant while Malik Ilyas Qadir Mohammad was nominated for Sanitary Inspector", the document reads. Source in H&ME told that earlier 37 candidates had already been nominated on directions of former minister, by the department. "Few months are left in completion of the previous session and the AMT School has still not declared selection list of trainees. The candidates nominated by former minister were studying since November 2015", they added. Sources said that the earlier nomination had hit headlines in media, yet the commissioner secretary to please former Minister made these nominations.