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Kashmir: Depriving Education is Well Planned Conspiracy ! | Unrest in Kashmir and Strangulation of Education ! | Raman Sharma | 10/3/2016 10:27:18 PM |
| In a humane society and in a democratic set up like ours in India, everyone have the right to demand everything, even the Sun, forget the Moon and the Stars but only with a caveat that your demand should not infringe the rights of others. It must be hypocrisy when you beat your chest and shout from the roof top and accuse others for not allowing you to exercise your rights, but on the same time not ignorantly but with a well planned conspiracy you ignore and deprive others of their due rights. Let's for the sake of arguments for a moment assume that demands of separatists and brigade of stone-pelters in Kashmir are justifiable, but even then their reluctance and blockade of flow of education in Kashmir society is unacceptable. The Champions of so called Kashmir movement should explain to the innocent people there that what good can be achieved with strangulation of knowledge and education ?. Now it's almost 3 months that schools and other educational institutions are closed in Valley but the wheel of clock running fast, so does the world. How long will you keep these educational institutions closed ? if education is not more important than your so called 'K' cause then what had compelled prominent separatist leader Moulvi Umar Farooq or must say Dr. Umar Farooq to attain doctorate (though appreciable), he is an alumni of one of the premier school of Kashmir, the Burn Hall School and posses graduation degree in Political Science and Literature. Why did he not wait to complete his studies till the resolution of Kashmir Cause. Because he is a shrewd man like all other separatist leaders who repeatedly keep shouting the bogy of right to self determination but never miss a good opportunity for themselves. Without interfering in the personal lives of these leaders of secessionist- ideology and militancy supporters of Kashmir, it is humble request that they must at least reveal before their followers about their own educational qualifications besides kitty of wealth they hold in India and abroad, let's forget their kith and kin. Perhaps this a well planned conspiracy to deprive the innocent children of their fundamental right to education, should the people of Kashmir need to remind what religion says " Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China, seeking knowledge is your duty ,". It is not only the right but also a duty to seek knowledge then why these people are trying to create a knowledge vacuum in the state, especially Kashmir. It appears to be a conspiracy not to allow the revolution of education there in Valley, because education brings peace and these leaders don't want the dust to settle and wish to keep the pot boiling. An educated generation would call all their bluffs and would decide their fate with open mind. An educated youth would surely ask too many questions before deciding to get self involved in this hate propaganda and violence but it does not suit the self acclaimed leaders of resistance (new terminology used by few Journalists for secessionists and anti-India leaders ) and militancy supporters. Despite difficult terrain and given demographic and other unpleasant factors in the region, the Himalyan State of ours have surpassed rest of India in flaming the light of literacy, The Census data 2011 reveals that state witnessed a jump of over 12 percent literacy rate (in comparison to 2001) standing at 67.17 whereas in the year 2001 it was 55.12 %, a jump of over 12 percent itself reveals that appetite for learning is increasing in the state. The overall increase in literacy rate of the country from 2001 to 2011 is 8.66 percent, which is now 74.04 % whereas it was 65.38 percent. The more enthusiastic and positive development of J & K that is to be noted in comparison to male literacy ratio is that there is growth of over 13 percent of female literacy ratio, it stood 56.43 % in 2011 census whereas it was 43 % in 2001. The male literacy rate increase was slightly above 10 %, in the year 2001 figures it was 66.60 percent and in 2011 it stood 76.75 percent. In the recent past, the youth of the state have shown keen interest in the civil services exams not only at the state level but some have even brought laurels with their outstanding rankings at the Union Public Services Exams. These successful youth leaders have emerged as iconic and inspirational figures for candidates of the other states as well, this is matter of contentment and immense pride to be cherished by the people of the state. But it is pitiful that under a deep conspiracy a vicious and hate campaign is initiated in Kashmir to malign those who with their competence, dedication and hard work crack the civil services and Join IAS or KAS. They are being called as 'Agents' of the State, brutally denying the fact that their selection is not a charity by the government or the agencies, but they are selected because they deserve, to disparage their personality, even questions are raised on their love for their own people and these hate mongers even don't hesitate to tag them as 'traitors' . Unfortunately, a section of media in Kashmir have also felicitated these self acclaimed champions of Kashmir Cause to engulf an atmosphere of disrespect for the civil servants and repulsive attitude for Civil Services Exams. Justifying the glorification of radicalization and militant ideology amongst the youth in Kashmir, some journalists have inked long and tedious editorials one after another. These journalists and editors who are not raising their voice again educational blockade are abettors in the heinous act of spoiling the futures of generations of Kashmir. Those who opposing opening of educational institutions in the Valley till resolution of the Kashmir issue are enemies of their own people, even to wage a war against one's enemy, one need competency, infrastructure, skilled manpower and knowledge. Only 'Hatred' is not a sufficient element to win a battle. |
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