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Fails to repatriate SRTC officials working with MVD
RTO Jammu ignores Commissioner's order
2/3/2015 12:21:44 AM
Asif Iqbal Naik
Early Times Report
KISHTWAR, Feb 2: Despite clear cut directions from Commissioner Secretary Transport, Regional Transport Officer (RTO) Jammu seems reluctant to repatriate SRTC officials working with Motor Vehicle Department, who were engaged by the government on stop gap arrangement soon after the creation of new districts.
As per the details available with "Early Times" Commissioner Secretary Transport Department vide Government order No. 9-TR of 2015 dated 29-01-2015 had directed RTO Jammu and Assistant Regional Transport Officers of the state to immediately repatriate 45 SRTC officials, including inspectors, senior assistants, junior assistants, conductors cum clerks & booking managers from MV Department to parental department (SRTC) with immediate effect.
"Whereas due to creation of new districts in the state, Motor Vehicle Department was facing dearth of staff at the level of Motor Vehicle Inspectors (Technical) and Ministerial staff in the offices of the RTOs/ARTOs, the following officials (43 in number) of the J&K SRTC were deputed to the MV Department for the period of two years or till the posts are filled up by SSB whichever is earlier, subject to the condition that these officials shall be reverted to SRTC on the expiry of the terms of deputation" read the order No. 9 issued by Commissioner Security Transport. In his order Commissioner Secretary Transport while quoting the letter No. TC/JK/Estt./673 dated 29-01-2015 of Transport Commissioner, J&K Jammu stated that deputation of all the SRTC employees has expired as on date while at the same time 14 posts of Motor Vehicle Inspectors and 16 posts of Junior Assistants have been filled up in the MV Department against clear vacancies by selection through SSB/GAD and the selectees have even joined the department and order for their immediate repatriation to SRTC department from MV Department, but even after five days; RTO Jammu is reluctant to relieve the SRTC employees working in his office. Similar is the case with some ARTOs who were also reluctant in reliving these SRTC employees raises the eye brows.
The sources within the Motor Vehicle Department said some of these SRTC employees working in RTO Jammu office are even facing cases of corruption registered against them with Crime Branch Jammu in "Token Tax Scam".
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