Early Times Report Jammu, Feb 28 : Natrang under its Sunday Theatre series staged Balwant Thakur's new Dogri play 'Duniyan Par Uss Bhaar Ni Bange' at Natrang Studio Theatre. Written and directed by Balwant Thakur and assisted by Neeraj Kant, this highly relevant play to the times speaks about the cruelty being meted out to the mother earth in the hands of the present generation. Knowingly or unknowingly we are at war with Mother Nature and are destroying all its resources. There is a famous legend, which claims that 'Shesh Nag' - a cobra has been supporting our earth upon its head from the very evolution of the universe. If the Shesh Nag were to feel tired of its burden or if it were overburdened, the earth would sink into the fathomless waters and a 'Pralaya' - a complete destruction would take place. The play is based on this conception. As the play starts, we find the Dev Raj Indera presiding over the court of Gods, as he enquires the welfare of the earth. The Narad comes in and state, "The beautiful earth is full of poverty, hunger and desperation". Dev Raj Indera is surprised to know all this, while Narad goes on to explain that illiteracy has tightened its grips upon the masses and unawareness has made them to live like beasts. Hunger prevails over the glove. Forests are being cut down, lakes and rivulets are drying out and on the other hand population is exploding fast. |