Early Times Report Jammu, Feb 28 : Food & Allied Workers Union reiterated their demands including revision of Bag Rates as per Price index w.e.f Dec-2012, enhancement of MWG at par with FCI pattern and decided to observe continuous complete strike from March 1, 2016. As per press release, they also highlighted their other demands like release of monthly wages by or before of each month, timely deposition of contributions deducted from workers on a/c of Provident Fund, ESI and LIC, release of pending payments to Muffassil workers, provision of listman for City Supply, grant of City Supply lead charges, implementation of Pension Scheme. The members of union alleged that having no respond from the Government, the workers were forced to adopt protests, strike including suspension of daily operations. Previously the strike continued from 08-01-2016 to 28 -01-2016 with the suspension of work the authorities woke-up, tried to pacify the situation and assured that all the demands would be fulfilled within 15 day. The issues were decided in the meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secretary to Government, CAPD Department on 27- 01-2016, minutes of which were circulated vide no- DCAPDJIP&S/20 15- 16/Meeting-Secy/2518-24 Dated- 27-01-2016. |