Early Times Report
Jammu, Mar 7: More Juvenile homes are likely to come up in the state as Government of India has allocated more funds for setting up these homes. Sources told Early Times funding for ICPS implementation in J&K, proposal worth Rs 27.92 crore for funding Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) has been accepted by Project Approval Board (PAB) of the Ministry of Women & Child Development, GoI, has also agreed to release a non-recurring grant of Rs 3 crore for financial year 2015-16. At the request of the State Government, the Central Government has also approved the establishment of Homes for Children with Special Needs at Srinagar and Jammu and has also agreed to consider upgrading the existing Bal Ashrams and Children Homes managed by the State in different Districts and bringing them at par with ICPS norms. They said as soon as the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt of India, would approve the scheme for funding on 90:10 basis, the next logical step would be the recruitment of key personnel for these positions".Sources said , "In conformity with JK Juvenile Justice ( Care and Protection Rules,2014), unveiled Justice Boards will be constituted comprising: a Judicial Magistrate to be appointed by the High Court and to be designated as Principal Magistrate and two social workers as members of which at least one shall be a woman to be appointed by the Government on recommendations of Selection-Cum-Oversight Committee, to be constituted under rules 79 and 80 of these rules".