Early Times Report Jammu, Mar 9: NPSU held a massive protest demonstration against the anti-nation and anti-Indian army statements coming from JNU University. According to press release, scores of NPSU activists gathered at University gate and held massive demonstration against JNU anti national element. Protestors raised slogans, 'Bharat mata ki jai' Indian Army Zindabad, Prof. Nivedita Menon down down, Kanhaiya Kumar down down. The protest was led by Thakur Virender Singh State President NPSU while interacting with the media persons Singh lambasted the statement given by Prof. Nivedita Menon on Kashmir as Kashmir illegally occupied by India. Singh said that Professor like Nivedita Menon have no right to speak on Kashmir as she does not have any knowledge about the history and geography of J&K, Kashmir is integral part of India we have given thousands of lives to protect Kashmir from Pakistan. There is no such issue of Kashmir, Singh added that of Prof. Nivedita Menon should speak on the issue regarding Pakistan occupied Kashmir, Gilgit, Baltistan and Chhamb, people like Prof. Menon are trying to break the integrity of our nation by giving anti-nation statements which will not be tolerated at all. Singh asked the Prof. Menon who is advocating Azadi of Kashmir why she is silent on PoK, Gilgit, Baltistan, and Chhamb. |