Jehangir Rashid Early Times Report SRINAGAR, Mar 9: A 'powerful' Section Officer at Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir has turned the department as his 'fiefdom' since he has appointed many of his relatives in the department. The Section Officer namely Mukhtar Ahmad Bhat has virtually turned the Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir wing of Housing and Urban Development Department as a 'rehabilitation' Centre for his relatives including some of the close ones. Mukhtar has over the years appointed around 20 of his relatives as employees in the different local bodies of Kashmir. According to the information made available by the sources to Early Times it has come to fore that the Section Officer has appointed a brother, three sisters, two brothers in law, some cousins and other close relatives on different posts in the municipal committees of Kashmir. Mukhtar's brother, Tariq Ahmad Bhat has been appointed as Sanitary Inspector at Municipal Committee, Sopore. His three sisters including Zareena Akhtar and Shahzada Akhtar have been appointed at municipal committees of Ganderbal, Sumbal and Budgam respectively. While Zareena is a Head Assistant the other two sisters including Shahzada have been appointed on the posts of Junior Assistant. "Lateef Ahmad Bhat, brother in law of Mukhtar has been appointed as peon at municipal committee, Awantipora. His other brother in law namely Showkat Ahmad Mir has been appointed as Tax Inspector at municipal committee, Pampore. Mohammad Zia Bhat, brother of his brother in law has been appointed as driver at the Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir," said sources. Sources said that Mukhtar's niece has been appointed as Computer Assistant at municipal committee, Chadoora. They said that cousin brothers of this Section Officer namely Mohammad Shafi Bhat, Mohammad Iqbal Bhat and Bitta have been appointed as works supervisor, senior assistant and peon at municipal committee Ganderbal, municipal committee Chadoora and Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir respectively. "Mukhtar has been able to appoint some of the other relatives on different positions in the municipal committees. These include Khursheed Ahmad Nandpori (works supervisor, municipal committee Baramulla), Javed Ahmad (Driver, Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir), Shabir Ahmad Ganie (sanitary supervisor, municipal committee Khrew) and Jahangir Ahmad (peon, Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir)," said sources. Sources said that although majority of the successive Directors of Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir know about the wrong doings of the Section Officer, no action whatsoever has been taken against him so far. As a result of this he has got emboldened to the extent that he dictates terms to the higher ups of the department and they have to necessarily fall in line. "It is highly pitiable that no action has been taken against Mukhtar despite the fact that he has turned the Urban Local Bodies, Kashmir as his own fiefdom. Inaction on part of the administration has led to a situation where the higher ups of the concerned department seem to be hand in glove with this all powerful official. He is calling the shots and the higher ups are acting as lame ducks," said sources. |