Early Times Report SRINAGAR, Feb 16: President Pradesh Mahila Congress presided a meeting of Mahila Congress workers of District Ganderbal Tehsil Kangan Panchayat Alkaline at Ganderbal. Addressing the meeting, Indu Pawar asked workers to maintain close people to people contact and highlight the problems being faced by a common man who is deprived and discriminated. Pawar said that congress was a grass root party and have served this state and nation without any discrimination based and caste, creed, religion or regionalism basis. Policies and Schemes of development started by Congress and have stood test of time and large no people of weaker sections of society have been benefitted. This could only happen because of practice of secular ideas and equal and planned development foreseen by Gandhi, Nehru, Indira and Maulana Abdul Kalam Aazad She further said that strengthening of congress in our state will ensure good governance, progress of secular values and development of all the three regions of state. |