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SAC orders increase of ration scale from 5 kgs to 7 kgs per soul
Decision to be implemented from April 1
3/14/2016 10:40:41 PM
Early Times Report
JAMMU, Mar 14: In a path-breaking decision by the Jammu and Kashmir Government on implementation of the National Food Security Act (NFSA), the State Administrative Council (SAC) today ordered increase of the ration scale from 5 kgs to 7 kgs per soul in the Below Poverty Line (BPL) and Priority Sector House Holds (PHSS) category to provide relief to a vast majority of people across the state.
The State Administrative Council, which met here today under the Chairmanship of Governor N N Vohra accorded sanction to the provision of additional food-grains at 2 Kg/head, over and above the NFSA entitlement of 5 Kg/head, for all 17.85 lakh individuals in the BPL (PHH) category upto a family size of six. The additional 2 Kg per head shall be priced at the highly subsidized rate of Rs 12 per Kg of rice and Rs 10 per Kg of wheat.
The Government Spokesperson observed that the BPL families in particular will receive major relief on account of the decision of the SAC as they will get additional quantity of food @ 2 kg at a highly subsidized price as aforementioned. For a typical BPL of 5 members, the availability of ration now will be protected at 35 kgs (7 kg multiplied by 5 members). Apart from full availability of 35 kgs of food-grains, the family which was earlier incurring a monthly expenditure of Rs 224 on the purchase of food-grains (Rs 6.40x35 kgs of rice) will now be spending only Rs 195 (Rs 3x5 kgs + Rs12 x 2kgs in a 5 member family) resulting in food bill savings to the family. Similarly, in respect of a typical 5 member Non-BPL family in the Priority category, a family incurring monthly expenditure of Rs.350 earlier (35 kg x Rs.10) will now be spending only Rs. 275 (25 kg at Rs.3 per kg and 10 kg at Rs.20 per kg).
It was also decided by the SAC that the additional provision of food-grains will be made available at 2 kg per head, over and above the NFSA entitlement of 5 Kg/head, in respect of all the 42.51 lakh individuals belonging to the PHH category. This additional 2 Kg per head shall be priced on subsidised rates which will be Rs.20 per Kg of rice and Rs.13 per Kg for wheat.
With a view to ensuring availability of ration even to those who are not part of the Priority category (i.e. NPHH), the SAC further approved availability of additional quantity of food-grains at 2 kg per head, over and above 5 kg per head in respect of 45 lakh individuals under the Non Priority Household (NPHH) category, a "no profit" basis (Rs.25 per kg for rice and Rs.18 per kg for wheat).
With a view to implementing the above decisions from the 1st of April, 2016, the SAC directed the Finance department to immediately provide additional resources to the extent of Rs105 crore to Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution Department (CAPD) to implement the decision.
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