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Ethically wrong, technically incorrrct:VC | KU teachers check question papers in moving train | | Muhammad Mukaram
Early Times Report
Srinagar, Mar 14: In a blatant violation of education rules and regulations, the much prided institution, Kashmir University teachers were caught in camera checking students answer sheets in a moving train. The video in possession with Early Times shows that two females checking answer sheets in full public gaze. Answer sheets which are easily recognizable, in video has the KU official logo on it. Vice Chancellor KU Khurshid Andrabi called it "technically wrong and ethically correct" but quickly added that "it's appreciable that employees of Kashmir University are working beyond KU campus". "I don't think it is a big issue. Yes, they can check the answer sheets anywhere. After checking the answer sheets we then handed over to students," Andrabi said. The "technically wrong act", according to VC, however "should be appreciated rather than criticized. "I don't know who are those teachers as I have not seen the video yet but whom so ever they are, why they can't be appreciated for not wasting time in train," VC said, while adding that people usually read books while travelling without losing attention so what is wrong in checking the answer sheets in moving train. When asked that are not answer sheets a confidential documents of KU and should not be checked in public places. He replied saying: "It is not a top secret leaked issue. Teachers do take papers home for revaluation. When that is not a problem why create issue out of a video". The video was taken by a passenger sitting in a same train that shares this video with Early Times and claims that these teachers posted in North Campus were checking the bulk of answer sheets of students of Kashmir University early in the morning while travelling from Srinagar to Baramulla train. He said, surprisingly, he claims that he saw the same teachers who were checking papers early morning did the same activities after leaving the North campus Of Kashmir University, "These teacher were again checking answer sheets op. |
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