Early Times Report Jammu, Mar 27: Bitter factionalism in State Congress is giving rise to new alignments among the party leaders, who are divided in various camps and groups. In the wake of PCC president G A Mir losing support of Sharma brothers ( Sham Lal Sharma and Madan Lal Sharma) following his recent public rally in Khour, some disgruntled leaders have started aligning with the party chief for settling their personal scores. Those who have neither as much public support nor guts to take on Sharma brothers on their own, are coming forwards in support of G A Mir even as some heavyweights like Tara Chand and Mula Ram too have extended their best possible cooperation to the group. By getting support of these leaders, including Balwan Singh, Ashok Sharma and others, sources said that G A Mir is dreaming of establishing his authority in the party while leaders like Tara Chand and Mula Ram are hoping to take this opportunity to corner their bête noire. In this lobbying, the Mir group is also claiming support of Ghulam Nabi Azad through Tara Chand, sources said. However, on the other hand, close confident of Ghulam Nabi Azad, Jugal Kishore Sharma is unexpectedly learnt to have extended support to Sharma bothers thus give rise to new alignments in the State Congress. Notwithstanding their affiliations to opposite groups in the Congress, the new association of Jugal Kishore Sharma and Sham Lal Sharma is likely to change all equations in the State unit ahead of forthcoming Local Body and Panchayat elections. As support of Ghulam Nabi Azad, Leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha, would be crucial for deciding upper hand of one group over the other, sources said that Sharma brothers are contemplating to organize a massive rally of Mr Azad in Akhnoor very soon. |