Early Times Report Jammu, Mar 27: 'Unauthorised' items are being allegedly sold on higher rates at a tea and coffee kiosk which is operational adjacent to the office of Dean Students Welfare, Jammu University. JU sources said as per the rate list displayed by him, the kiosk runner had been selling cold coffee for Rs 20, coffee for Rs 15 and tea for Rs 10. Besides these two approved items, he was also selling pizzas, sandwiches, hot dogs and other eatables, including samosas for Rs 15 per piece, without displaying any rate list of these items, sources alleged. Sources alleged that he was also charging more than the JU approved rates of tea, coffee and samosas as other kiosks in JU were charging Rs 5 for one cup of tea, Rs 8 for a coffee cup and Rs 7 for a samosa. Sources alleged that the kiosk runner was overcharging the students to earn extra money. The concerned JU authorities were taking no action against him even as they were very strict against other kiosk runners at the campus, sources said. Sources said no action was being taken against the tea kiosk runner because of his close proximity with a female professor of JU who "wields much influence at the campus". Questioning the unauthorised sale of eatables at the tea kiosk, sources said had the JU authorities made it known earlier that eatables could also be sold at the kiosk, more people would have participated in the tendering process, bring more revenue to JU. The kiosk runner was selling eatables in violation of the terms and conditions as laid down in the contract letter, sources alleged. |