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Regional parties disrupting national development | | | Er. Jitender Kohli Present political system resembles with the centuries old governing setup of dynastic rulers like Chakrvarti Maharaja holding his kingdom with the assistance of Raja - Maharajas of different states. The nation necessitated democracy to get freedom from this governing pattern by replacing dynastic rule through elected persons. Vaishali was the first state in India to introduce democracy making global history which was destroyed by invader Ashoka who also turned Budha to become ever remembered King for his services to human but democracy eluded nation. Democracy is governing machinery which is to serve the entire nation by keeping all wings functioning together for the nation discarding the state, regional, religious and other local interests to only defend and exert for all-round equal national development. Settling this approach the local inertest and necessities are met with by democrat national government. Thus one is to look for a political scenario where nationalist zeal wins over the local interests by the political party. This can only be ensured by the national political parties and not by the regional parties whose vision is confined within their state boundaries drifting them from the national responsibility. The British transfer of power to Indians was assured by the Indian political leaders to introduce and implement democracy failed as the first political party to govern was overpowered by Jawaharlal Nehru who let it deviate from the national responsibility, providing Kashmir problem and dynastic rule to remain always to bleed the nation. This opened field for the true democrat to form other political parties. To counter this Jawaharlal Nehru led Congress started counter political groups to strengthen his political life. Regional parties in name of state, religion, caste and language started appearing in the political field. This turned as mushroom growth during the Indira period that desperately required for her political survival facing the Honourable court verdict debarring her political activities. She survived her political disappearance through imposing emergency on the nation and taking those families under her wing who had their own regional parties, among such incidences the release of Sheikh Abdullah from the prison to govern Jammu Kashmir by reviving National Conference valley centric political regional party is an exemplary incidence. This regional party had neither state assembly member nor any follower in the state started state governing by the all-out congress support. Society can analyze working of those regional parties who are disrupting national development for their vested interests. Somewhere Kashmiriat, nonexistent political issue, interests of Maratha, Bihari, Yadiv, Patel, Dalit, minority or due-undue demands are raised at the cost of national interests are creation of those regional parties which are owned by particular families. These acts are exclusively disrupting national developments and degrading national global reputation to put coming generations in soup. Society is perplexed to find some section of media, intelligentsia, artists, business groups to become a source of projecting national non-existent intolerant attitude towards minority and downtrodden people perhaps to help some leaders who are desperately working for their political survival. It is undisputedly a fact that the Congress led UPA is manipulating to politically revive its habitual governing lust. Society must stand against the deteriorating political scenario to establish only two to three national political parties to hold the entire nation together curbing these regional parties to exist. This require amendment in constitution or verdict from the Apex national court to disband all those regional parties who are enjoying national status without having any elected representation or ground existence created by their society service in most of the states. Regional parties must be kept away from the parliament elections including representation in Rajya Sabha as these are national houses to chalk out national development and to watch national global status. To get in this arena the regional party must attain its national status either emerging with a national party or become so. There are leaders of such parties who make irrelevant statements, tweet or rush to those spots where their media exposure is ensured. One Ex-CM is known as tweet CM and other is posing as the only national leader to challenge abuse and make PM responsible for anything of any state even if governed by other party. There is a leader who feels to be the only born PM even if having no political maturity. These are fortunate to have protection and care of that family who are instrumental in survival of these regional leaders and some who are created to keep this family politically alive. It is essential for the national parties to form and hold ground level workers in good numbers to independently form national government without assistance of regional party who should be kept away from Upper and lower national political houses. No nomination should be there for lower house or in the assemblies where the losers or non-contestants are inducted. Mushroom of regional political parties and NGOs need scrutinized and curbed and only the genuine should survive in the interest of nation. --(The author is a senior Columnist, Ex- State Press & Publicity Secretary; VHP J&K State Unit may contact on -- [email protected]) |
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