Early Times Report Jammu, Nov 12: A havan puja with chanting of vedic mantras was performed in faculty of Agriculture, SKUAST-Jammu, Chatha on the eve of Deepawali. The hawan was performed for the well being and further development of the Varsity. All the staff members from various divisions located at Main Campus Chatha, Scientists from Research Stations, Subject Matter Specialists from Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) participated in the hawan puja. On the occasion, VC SKUAST-Jammu-Dr P.K. Sharma, Dean Faculty of Agriculture-Dr. R.M Bhagat, Director Education-Dr. T.S.Ganai, Director Research - Dr. J P Sharma, President Non-Teaching Association BN Singh, President Teaching Association Dr. Vikas Sharma, HODs of various divisions, senior faculty members, non-teaching staff and all the students of the FoA were present. |