Early Times Report
Jammu, Jan 20: The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog has made a startling revelation that 65 percent population in Jammu and Kashmir gets contaminated water. The data compiled by NITI Aayog reveals that only 35 per cent of people in JK are supplied tap water from treated sources. The revelation made by Aayog has given credence to the reports that people are supplied contaminated water which leads to the outbreak of waterborne diseases. According to the official data, 63.8 percent population in Jammu and Kashmir has got access to tap water of which 34.7 percent get water from treated sources and 29.2 percent from untreated sources. It says that 6.5 percent people use well water of which 1.9 percent are covered wells, and 4.7 are uncovered wells. In J&K, 11.4 percent receive water through hand pumps, tube wells 1.5 percent, springs 6.2, river, canals 6.7, tanks, ponds 0.7 and rest 3.1 get from other sources. NITI Aayog also reveals that J&K is far behind than its neigbouring states in providing treated potable water to its inhabitants. The Aayog's report has exposed the PHE department and its tall claims that all its filtration plants in Jammu and Kashmir are functional. In some areas water is supplied through water tanks while in some other people fetch water directly from streams and rivers, without being filtered, the report states. "It has also been seen that raw water is being collected directly from Nullahs at several places and is supplied to the public without getting it passed though the filtration plants," sources added. |