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SIC directs JMC to make info on revenue earned from hoardings, adv sites public | | | Early Times Report JAMMU, Jan 20: The State Information Commission (SIC) has directed the Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) to reveal information about the revenue generated by it on account of advertisement sites and hoardings from last several months. The said information was earlier denied by the JMC authorities to an information seeker who finally got a relief from State Information Commission. Details available with Early Times reveal that Vilakshana Singh, advocate a resident of Jammu city had filed an RTI application before the PIO, Jammu Municipal Corporation seeking information about total number of advertisement sites built by Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) and location of each such advertisement site. The information seeker asked for providing the names of the persons and organizations to whom each of the said site had been allotted during the last four months. In addition to it he sought details about the amount of money earned by JMC from each of advertisement site during last four months. Vilakshana Singh appealed against the inadequate reply of the PIO. The State Information Commission (SIC) heard the appellant Vilakshana Singh and ruled that " The Commission after considering the submissions of both the parties has directed that information be given strictly in accordance with the RTI application. The appellant has further stressed that the information with regard to the money earned from sites only of those sites which have been put to use. However, the RTI application makes it clear that intention of the information seeker was to get the details of the advertisement sites i.e money earned and hiring of sites. This type of information is disclosable not only in response to specific RTI applications but in compliance with the provisions of Section 4 of the J&K State RTI Act, 2009 which should have been applied not after the receipt of RTI application but within 120 days from the promulgation of the Act. Therefore, the Commission orders for disclosure of this information in accordance with RTI application r/w Section 4 of the J&K State RTI Act, 2009. It is further ordered that the said information be uploaded on the website of the JMC with a copy to the information seeker within 15 days from the receipt of this order" |
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