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Denial of accommodation to migrants: SIC directs RC to provide info to KP
2/15/2016 11:57:42 PM
Early Times Report

Jammu, Feb 15: The State Information Commission (SIC) has directed the office of the Relief Commissioner Migrants Jammu to provide all the official documents, orders related to allotment of accommodation to a Kashmiri Pandit migrant at Jagti township in Nagrota area of Jammu.
The KP who has been working in central Govt department was not given orders and other Govt documents related to this case under RTI. The information seeker finally filed an appeal before State Information Commission (SIC) which has now come to his rescue.
Details available with Early Times reveal that one Ramesh Kaul, S/o. Late Makhan Lal Koul, at present Shakti Nagar, Jammu filed an RTI application dated: 22.05.2015 before the Public Information Officer (PIO) office of the Relief Commissioner (M) Jammu . The PIO according to Kaul has provided misleading information. The information seeker filed First Appeal before First Appellate Authority (FAA) on 07.08.2015, which was disposed of by FAA with the remarks that Ramesh Kaul being Central Govt. Employee, on this account TRT accommodation has been denied. The FAA did not provide any such order from the Govt./competent authority, where-under migrant from Kashmir valley serving in Central Government is banned or not entitled for TRT accommodation at Jagti. The information seeker alleges that he has not been provided with the policy of the Govt. Relief and Rehabilitation Department for allotment of TRT accommodation at Jagti, Nagrota, on the basis of which on records allotment is to be made. He accordingly filed 2nd appeal before the State Information Commission (SIC), with prayer that the required information be provided as has been requested under RTI Act. Appellant Ramesh Koul and respondent Kusum Sharma, PIO of Relief Commissioner's office were heard at SIC's office in Jammu on 8.2.2015 and documents brought on record were perused by the commission . The crux of the 2 nd appeal is with regard to copy of norms, rules and regulations, under which allotment is being made to the migrants of Kashmir and criteria adopted for allotment of TRT accommodation to Migrant from Kashmir valley. The appellant has requested for the information with regard to Government Order issued by Relief and Rehabilitation Department for allotment of TRT accommodation at Jagti, Nagrota in this regard. This information has been sought at para (vii). The appellant pointed out, during proceedings, that part of information sought at para (v) i.e. verification report from Police, CID and team of Relief Organization in respect of Ramesh Kaul, be provided, as same has not been responded to by the PIO. Kusum Sharma. The PIO submitted that reply with regard to criteria being followed for allotment of TRTS at Jagti Township has been responded to at para 1 of her response.
SIC order reads: As per definition of information, PIO is required to give copy of record/documents as is available on record. Therefore, PIO, Relief Organization Jammu is directed to provide copy of norms, rules and regulations/Government Orders, on the basis of which allotments have been made at TRT at Jagti Township within one week. Further, PIO shall also respond to the limb of the application at para (v) regarding verification report of Ramesh Kaul and provide him the information available as per records. In response to para III of the RTI application, PIO has asked the applicant to deposit an amount of Rs. 300/-. Therefore, he is required to deposit this amount and obtain the information accordingly. The appellant pointed out that he could not deposit the amount as the mode of payment of fee was not prescribed. PIO submitted that the prescribed mode of fee, among others, is a postal order addressed to CAO, O/o Relief Organization, Jammu. Accordingly, appellant shall deposit fee and obtain the information in respect of Para-III. The above directions of the Commission be complied and a compliance report be filed before the Commission within 02 weeks. With above directions, the appeal filed before the Commission is disposed of".
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