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PSC likely to restart interviews for AP posts
2/16/2016 12:13:48 AM
Akshay Azad
Early Times Report
jammu, Feb 15: The interviewprocess for more than 1650 posts of Assistant professors for government degree colleges is likely to restart from next week; but Ph.D candidates not possessing Minimum Standard Procedure (MSP) certificates would not be allowed to participate in interviews.
Sources in the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) informed Early Times that the Commission has decided to continue with the recruitment process and interviews would restart after the conclusion of recruitment of Assistant Directors in Planning department.
"Till February 17, we are busy in the recruitment of AD Planning posts and on the same day we have a meeting in which, a decision will be taken to restart the interview process", an official said
The official further informed that though University of Jammu and Kashmir had requested the Commission to postpone the interviews, till the report of Nagvekar committee would come but their request has not been accepted by Commission.
"So far we don't receive any communiqué from Higher Education department or Governor office to stall the interview process, so there will be no further delay and interviews are likely to start in the last week of February", the official said.
The interview process would be conducted as per the recruitment rules of Jammu and Kashmir Higher Education department and those Ph.D candidates, short of Minimum Standard Procedure (MSP) certificate would not be allowed in interviews on the basis of Ph.D alone.
Secretary of JKPSC Shakeel-ur-Rehman said that Commission has not received any communiqué from government so the interviews would likely to restart in the last week of February. "The recruitment will be done on the basis of recruitment rules", he said, adding that on February 17, Commission would hold a meeting in which the decision regarding schedule of interviews and date would be finalized.
Pertinently, University of Kashmir and Jammu had requested the JKPSC to withhold the interviews till repot of Nagvekar Committee came as both Universities were not issuing MSP certificates due to various technical issues. As per the recruitment rules of JK Higher Education department, Ph.D candidates require MSP certificate as per UGC guidelines of 2009, without which the Ph.D candidates are not allowed for interviews on basis of degrees.
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