Early Times Report Jammu, Feb 15: Jammu Unit Lok Janshakti Party hailed the NDA led government at center for implementing National Food Security Act in meeting held under the leadership of Sanjay Saraf National President Youth and national spokes person, Ravi Tickoo state president LIP Jammu and Kashmir. Owais Ashraf Saraf congratulated NDA government for implementing NFSA in state which will help the message to get food Rate Rs.2/Rs.3/ for BPL and covers. They further said that the Act is highly people friendly act targeted to benefit to poor, marginalized and deprived sections to the society .NFSA shall provide highly subsidized ration @Rs.2/- (Atta)and Rs.3/-(Rice) to maximum chunk of population ie 74.13lac souls, another 45 lacs people will get ration @ Rs 8 /-(Atta) and Rs. 10/-(Rice) ,thus covering more than 95% of the population. |