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Settlement of KPs in colonies, just and viable solution | | | Malian Koul The present Kashmir turmoil started from 1931 and touched heights in 1989. During its the past 85 years the turmoil has produced various chiefs proclaiming different self-devised ideologies vis-a-vis Kashmir. These 85 years have made Kashmir a hot selling commodity in political and military markets of the world. Besides, Kashmir tangle has resulted in mushroom growth of pseudo intellectuals and so-called Kashmir experts in the sub continent. Everybody comes up with a readymade superficial remedy, under this or that influence, ignoring the ground realities. India is resolute in holding the land without getting deterred by the improving or deteriorating socio-political or military situation in Kashmir. In fact this issue is used as a camouflage to subscribe to the mighty arms industry of the world which in the present times is perhaps the biggest industry on the globe. Pakistan is playing Kashmir card to further two nation theory and justify its accidental birth. Kashmir is used as a trump card to balkanize India and keep the Pakistani people engaged. Besides, it can't resist the temptations of obliging the Global Arms Industry. Separatists are seeking final resolution of the Kashmir issue, but simultaneously keep running all types of business available to them on earth. They are fast flourishing in their personal lives and shall never abandon the "movement". They know that the end of this turmoil, in favour of any side, shall render them irrelevant and end their easy earned supremacy. They are the products of this conflict and any end to this conflict shall defy their existence. The one and the only component of this tangle who virtually feels restless for a one time settlement of Kashmir are the common people of Kashmir and Kashmiri Pandits. Kashmiri Pandits are forced by the circumstances to press for an immediate and ultimate settlement. During pre and post 1989 era Kashmiri Pandits faced the brunt of the most painful experience of exodus. No doubt, they kept their nerve in unnerving situation, but today when they have regained their breath they find themselves in a fix. They have dispersed towards new pastures spread in all corners of earth, but in the process now face the potent threat of their extinction as an ancient civilization. The community credentials of Kashmiri Pandits, being products of snow of Kashmir, are fast melting in the hot plains of India and across the boiling oceans of world. The speedy settlement of Kashmir issue, irrespective of its outcome, is directly linked with their existence. In fact, if the present imbroglio continues for next two to three decades the Kashmiri Pandit community will be lost in the pages of history. In the given situation when no component of the Kashmir issue, except Kashmiri Pandit, is interested in a full and final settlement on fast track basis, the only way left for Kashmiri Pandits to save their socio-cultural existence is to re-settle and rejuvenate in Kashmir. Lot of water has flown down the Jhelum (Vitasta) during last 30 years and return/rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits to their individual ancestral places is practically impossible. They have disposed off almost all their immovable properties to the local residents therefore their return or reoccupying their ancestral immovable property shall create more problems than solving any. In the given circumstances their rehabilitation in three colonies (North, Centre, and South) is a viable solution. Kashmiri Pandits would love to develop these three proposed cities as model cities which shall demonstrate to the whole world the human values in practice. Kashmiri Pandits are spread throughout the world including Arab Countries and have gathered first hand experiences that how various nations, societies and people on this earth have evolved and progressed ahead. Some self-interested elements are trying to create an opinion against said settlement of Kashmiri Pandits which is beyond any logic. These cities will not only save Kashmiri Pandit community from extinction, but also add to the grace of this paradise called Kashmir. Kashmiri Pandits having 100 percent literacy and thereby 100 percent self reliance with almost 0 percent crime rate cherish to develop hubs of Education, Technology, Institutions serving orphans/widows/physically challenged persons and job avenues not only for themselves, but also for Kashmiri Muslim brethren with whom they share a common DNA. In last around 30 years Kashmiri Pandits have successfully proved their Art of Living across the Globe and Kashmir being their aboriginal land have an undisputed right to live and prosper in Kashmir. Apprehensions of any future confrontation on social, cultural, political or religious lines are baseless as the Kashmiri Pandits have not abandoned their historical traits during last 30 years while living with co-religionist majority and have maintained their age old relations with their Muslim brethren in all odds. The question of snapping off such ties while living in neighbouring town or city is far from understanding.
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