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JU's English teacher marks presence while on leave in DDE | | | Raj Sandeep
Early Times Report Jammu, Jane 5: In an act of tricking but interesting episode, an Associate Professor of English working in Directorate of Distance Education of Jammu University has marked herself present in the attendance register of PCP when she was actually on casual leave during that period. While talking to Early Times, RTI activist informed that in response to information sought from university about attendance report of Dr. Anupama Vohra Associate Professor English BA part II Personal Conduct Programme and leave availed during this period, it was revealed that she was on casual leave for three days as per the record provided by Directorate of Distance Education. While going through the record of PCP attendance available with Early Times, it transpired that the teacher, who was on three days leave, has been marked present in the attendance register thereby shown having taken the PCP classes, which is totally contradictory and sharply clashes with the leave and attendance record of DDE. Going through documents available with Early Times related to faculty members who were on leave during PCP of B. A. part II w.e.f. 13-11-2015 to 1-12-2015 ,it is revealed that a faculty member of English in DDE was on leave three days on 17,18 and 19 November 2015. On the other hand, the attendance record of PCP of BA part II indicates that same teacher of English subject has attended the PCP classes on 17,18 and 19 Nov 2015 , thus showing as present in the university which smacks of nexus between the Coordinator BA Part II and the teacher of English who has managed a convenient arrangement to befool the Directorate of Distance Education and deceive the distance students coming to attend PCP classes which is only fifteen days course. The sources told that if a teacher cannot devote her time for short period of fifteen days, what more constructive contribution can she make in the interests of students for which the teacher is heavily paid by University, they questioned. The sources told that it just a tip of an iceberg and there may be several incidents of an identical nature when the teacher often skipped from the department leaving the students at the mercy of junior hired teachers allegedly to attend preconceived schedules other than official duties hoodwinking the University authority and draining the varsity exchequer for doing much less than what the teacher is drawing as monthly salary around in lacs. How can the teacher justify her absence from department being on leave and simultaneously present in PCP on same dates is a question of departmental enquiry ,the sources told, adding that the teacher is clever and influential enough in the university to dodge the authority to desist from launching probe against her illegal conduct which is unbecoming of a disciplined government employee. The sources further informed that the English teacher is allegedly sheltered by her well wisher colleagues and higher authorities of varsity. An insider of university stated pleading anonymity that the teacher is habitual of playing foul with the University authority as has now surfaced, creating indiscipline, abdicating her legitimate duties and often keeping herself away from attending the undergraduate classes, avoiding hardwork and preparing study materials by outsourcing scholars as script writers, bypassing her immediate authority in DDE, creating hurdles in smooth functioning of DDE, toppling all the students friendly moves of department through the median of Departmental Affairs Committee, if her interests clash with unanimous decisions emerging in committee, the sources alleged. The sources further added that when there is no other available authority above the University authority to take note of many acts of omissions and commissions of university officer sitting at the helms of affairs and subsequent remedial measures to correct irregularities so far, how one can expect the varsity administration to initiate enquiry against the erring teacher for dereliction of duty and breach of official trust given the documentary evidence available against her. |
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