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Snap Polls Imminent | | R.B Suri | 3/2/2016 11:31:03 PM |
Political thinkers be lieve that if the Coalition Government comes into existence once again in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, it will not live long as the re-wedlock of the partners BJP and PDP would be on unsound footings and mistrust. Not only this , former Chief of RAW, A.S. Dulat who served in J&K for a pretty long time and remained actively associated with PMO, has also very recently expressed his view point on this score . According to him , the Coalition Government will be just for six months or so. He described the prevailing situation of the state at the moment is not good at all as also the gulf has been widened further between Jammu region and Kashmir region as the same are going in the opposite directions. In political circles ,there is also a speculation that BJP will rule the state for the coming period indirectly via new Governor and his new advisors. There is no justification in prolonging the issue involved and under the present circumstances the state should go for the Assembly elections afresh without any further delay . If one analyze the existing political scenario of the state he comes to the conclusion that Mehbooba Mufti is not interested at all to go for the formation of a new government in the state in alliance with former partner BJP and the other political parties operating in the state at stake singly don't enjoy the one third numbers of the total strength of 87 numbers in J&K Legislative Assembly . She made it clear in the public meeting at Anantnag on Sunday and on Monday at Khannabal that she will not form the government unless NDA government at the centre led by Narender Modi gives the firm assurance in writing on the CBMs projected by her recently . She made it very clear that she will sacrifice the power for the peace and people's future in the state . Political analysts are of the opinion that Governor should not give so much latitude to PDP and BJP as they do not deserve the same. From the ongoing political uncertainty in the state, one thing is clear that political uncertainty will go on like this as none of the party in Legislative Assembly enjoys the numbers of legislators equal to the one third strength of the house. PDP and BJP should take the liberty in telling the Governor N.N Vohra that they are unable to form the government in the state under the present circumstances at this juncture. It is worthwhile mentioning over here that with the passage of each day, PDP in the valley is regaining the strength and sympathies of the people as it has succeeded in maintaining the gap from saffron brigade . Similar is the case with BJP which by sharing power with PDP in last ten months has lost its base in Jammu region and it is apprehending its defeat in the coming local bodies as well as Panchayat elections. This is the actual position prevailing in the state so one can the conclusive presumption that we are heading towards Assembly elections afresh . Needless to mention that She is more particular to her future in politics of Kashmir as compared to remaining in power in the state with BJP. It is pertinent to mention here that a sizeable number of people attended the Namaz-e- Janaza of Mufti Sahib at his native village. About 4000 to 5000 people attended the Namaz-e- Janaza. Subsequently there was sharp decline in people participation of 4th day - Cheharm of Mufti Sahib ( Approx.800 -1000) and the numbers of people's participation was reduced to considerable nos. 300-500 on 40th day of Mufti's death . This aspect of people's participation is pinching and disturbing her from all angles . PDP is unnecessarily lingering on the government formation in the state of Jammu and Kashmir rather dictating the terms to the Central Government.. People's Democratic Party 's President Mehbooba Mufti is tossing the issue of formation of the government in the state after taking her legislators into her confidence at Srinagar last month is contesting the issue by throwing the ball into the court of Prime Minister Narender Modi and pleading for consideration of various Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) at the first instance that too in writing enabling her to take over as the Chief Minister of this sensitive state . This is sort of a precondition to the PM in the way of forming the next government in the state in alliance with BJP . Though she has not spelt out the Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) clearly but it is understandable that she wants written assurance from the Prime Minister of India about removal of AFSPA from the valley , return of all the hydroelectric power projects to the state , concrete outcome from PAK. time bound development of the state as also release of all those who are behind the bars for subversive activities against the nation . All these reasoning's suggest strongly that we are heading towards Legislative elections afresh . It will not go detrimental interests of the state but instead things will fastly without any drama in mitigating the sufferings of the poor masses of the state . Political situation prevailing in the state at the moment is meaning less and bad for the health of the state . Former Chief Minister and Patron of National Conference Dr. Farooq Abdullah is vehemently pleading for the dissolution of the present Assembly followed by the immediate elections oin the state of Jammu and Kashmir afresh . After the death of Mufti Sahib , the state is under Governor's Rule from 8th January . All the previous governments in the state were as usual but the last one was unusual one as the two partners were of the extreme two extreme poles of the globe i.e. North and South. Agenda of Alliance of PDP and BJP combined worked well leaving two or three instances. Mehbooba Mufti is apprehending a sharp decline in PDP's popularity in the valley after sharing the power with saffron party BJP . She is afraid of all the declining trends in PDP's popularity graph. She is alert and capable of taking the decision not to go for the formation of the government in the state . She would prefer to consolidate her party's position in the valley in comparison to assuming power as a long term strategy . She is not justified at all in demanding the revocation of AFSPA from the valley particularly as the valley is still in the grifth of militancy- latest happening is Pampore episode . If assembly elections are held at this juncture, things would certainly become more clear from the outcome enabling the Central Government to make a strong strategy to deal with the present polity in the state as also to curb the antinational elements in the valley with more firm hands . Time and again the national political parties leaders and the military generals of the country have consented against the revocation of AFSPA from the Valley. It is a hard fact that prior to sharing power with BJP , she was enjoying the all out support of the general masses of the valley which include the separatists and pro PAK hardliner elements like anything . She always stood thick and thin behind them in every hour of crisis . It is because of this hardliners were dearer to her . Being the leader of a political party on an important assignment she can stand at their back as and when need be there . The moment she assumes the Chief Minister ship of the state , she can't play the same role in defending them . It was because of the hard liner's support she and her father Mufti Mohammed Sayeed remained successful in giving the befitting reply to the century old National Conference . After the formation of the Coalition Government in the state by PDP and BJP on March last year, highness continued to prevail upon till Mufti Sayeed 's death on January 7 and afterwards lull prevailed and still continuing at infinity in the political field as the state is having no popular government in the state . Mehbooba Mufti was having high hopes from Finance Budget of the country wwas presented by the Finance Minister Arun Jaitely on 29th Feb. Finance Budget drew a blank except mentioning of Indian Institute of Mass Communication and Srinagar and Leh Transmission line. This has further disheartened her. One can say boldly that She is not in a mood for the formation of the government on the state . Based upon the captioned foregoings and the reasoninings, the state of Jammu and Kashmir would be facing the snap polls very soon as there is no other option left . ( The author is a former KAS Officer and a Socio -economic / Political Columnist) |
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